Older Elementary Children’s Message: Happy Meal (Communion)
This children’s message will teach older elementary children about communion in a very memorable way.
Older Elementary Children’s Message: Happy Meal (Communion)
Bring a McDonald’s “Happy Meal” box. Put enough bread for all your kids, a container of juice, and a Happy Meal toy in the box.
Show the Happy Meal. Ask:
- What is this?
- How many of you have ever had one of these?
- What’s your favorite part of a Happy Meal?
Show them the toy.
Say: Did you know our church has happy meals, too? We really do! I have the church’s happy meal right in here. What do you think is in it? Wait for responses and then pull out the bread and juice. Say: Our church’s happy meal is called communion (or your church’s term). We’re happy when we eat it because it helps us remember Jesus’ life and death. I want you to remember Jesus, so here’s a part of our happy meal for each of you. Distribute the bread out of your Happy Meal box.
Read 1 Corinthians 11:23-26. Say: Let’s pray. Thank you, God, for Jesus’ death and resurrection. Thank you also for communion as a reminder of what Jesus has done for us. Amen.
Neil MacQueen is an associate minister for children in Illinois.
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