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kids and adult showing each other kindness
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Bible Lesson: We Show Kindness by Encouraging Each Other

In this Bible lesson for all ages, kids explore Genesis 37 as they discover what it means to show kindness by encouraging others.

Joseph’s father gave him a beautiful coat as a gesture of love and encouragement. Unfortunately, Joseph’s brothers were jealous because of the gift, and they treated Joseph badly. Unlike Joseph’s brothers, we can choose to encourage the people around us. Use this lesson to help kids learn they can show God’s love when they encourage others.

Bible Lesson for All Ages


Say: Today we’re going to explore an event from the real life of a guy in the Bible, named Joseph. To start, let’s read Genesis 37:3-36 in the Bible. As I read, listen for times people could do something different to be encouraging instead of hurtful.

Invite four volunteers to come up front to help as you read the Scripture with drama and enthusiasm. (Because this is a longer passage, it’s a good idea to use a kid-friendly Bible translation.) Have one play the part of Joseph and the rest play his brothers. Tell them to creatively act out what happens as you read the Bible passage.

Afterward, thank your volunteers. Then ask:

  • What are your first thoughts after hearing this story?
  • What are some ways people could have been encouraging instead of hurtful in this situation?

Say: Let’s see what happens if Joseph had been able to “Take 2” on this situation.

Invite some new volunteers up to reenact the passage a little differently this time. Reread the Bible passage. At moments when people are hurtful in the Scriptural account, stop reading and ask kids for a “Take 2”—an idea of what Joseph or his brothers could have done to be encouraging instead of hurtful. Have your volunteers act out the “Take 2” for the class.

Afterward, say: Following your ideas would’ve been a lot better for Joseph and his brothers! Unfortunately, we can’t always “Take 2” in real life.


  • Why do you think it’s so important for us to choose to encourage each other?
  • What are a few creative ways we might be encouraging at home? at church? at school?

Say: Joseph and his brothers are a good example of what not to do! Instead of being unkind like them, let’s remember that we show God’s kindness by encouraging each other.

Overcome Obstacles


  • paper
  • marker
  • transparent tape

Tip: If you have fewer than eight kids, use chairs to build your “wall” instead of volunteers.

Say: We know that we show God’s kindness by encouraging each other, but sometimes it feels hard to do that.

Invite a volunteer to stand by you.


  • What kinds of things might get in my way and keep me from choosing to encourage [volunteer’s name]?

Have kids brainstorm ideas in answer to the question. Write one of the ideas on a sheet of paper. Invite another volunteer to the front, and tape that paper to the second volunteer. That person is now an “Obstacle.” Place the Obstacle person between you and the first child. Repeat two or three times until there’s a “wall” of Obstacle people between you and the original volunteer.

Say: Oh no! Now there’s a wall of obstacles between me and [volunteer’s name]. The wall is keeping me from encouraging [volunteer’s name].


  • What could I do to help me overcome the obstacles in this wall?

Have kids brainstorm new ideas in answer to the question. As they brainstorm, write some of their ideas on new sheets of paper. Tape the new ideas over the top of the old ones, until there are no more “obstacles” left.

Say: These are great ideas! Let’s try to remember them next time we have an opportunity to encourage and be kind to others.

Show God’s Kindness


Have older children help younger ones in this activity.

Say: One really cool way to encourage others is to remind them of God’s special promises from the Bible.

Form pairs, and give each child a copy of the “God’s Promises” handout. Invite partners to read the Scriptures on the handout aloud to each other.

Say: There are three Scriptures on your paper. One is for you, and the other two are for people you want to encourage. Write your name on one Scripture you’d like to keep and names of other people you’d like to encourage on each of the other two.

When kids are ready, give scissors to each pair and have them cut their handouts into thirds so each Scripture is separate from the others. Tell kids to fold up the Scripture they will keep and put it in a pocket. Encourage them to take the other two Scriptures home to deliver them to their chosen people sometime during the week.

Say: We show God’s kindness by encouraging each other. Let’s ask Jesus to help us do that well this week.

Close with a prayer, thanking God for his promises and asking Jesus to help you all be encouragers this week.

This Bible lesson comes from Group’s Grow Together Now, Volume 2. This book contains 13 Sunday school lessons and a DVD, designed for teaching biblical qualities of humility, kindness, and cooperation to kids of all ages. Looking for more Sunday school lessons for kids of all ages? Check out the brand-new All Together Sunday School! And for even more ideas, check out these posts.

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Bible Lesson: We Show Kindness by Enc...

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