3 Nursery Bible Activities for Your Children’s Ministry
These three simple nursery Bible activities will help the youngest children in your ministry understand basic Bible concepts to build a powerful foundation.
Nursery Bible Activity #1: The Tomb is Empty
Build a tomb by setting up a simple tent or using an existing playhouse and covering it with slightly crumpled brown butcher paper to give it a rocky appearance. You could also use chairs to make a frame and cover that with the butcher paper. Place a pillow over the opening.
Open your Bible to Matthew 28, and tell children the Bible is God’s special book. Point at the words as you say: Jesus died on the cross because he loved us so much. Three days later, some friends went to visit his tomb. A tomb is like a cave with a large stone in front. But the stone was gone, and the tomb was empty! Jesus had come back to life!
Let kids go inside the tent and see that it’s empty. When they come out, say: He’s not here! Jesus is alive!
Lauren Foster
Union, Kentuck
Nursery Bible Activity #2: The First Sin
Teach kids this song about obedience to the tune of “This Old Man.”
Adam and Eve
Loved to play,
Tending their garden every day.
God had some important words to say
“Don’t eat that fruit; you’ll be okay.”
Adam and Eve
Didn’t obey;
Ate that fruit and ran away.
God called out to them while they hid away that day;
Made them leave without delay.
God helps us
To obey
And to please him every day.
We can follow what he has to say;
We can please him while we play.
Barbara Murphy
Loveland, Colorado
Nursery Bible Activity #3: Forgive Like Jesus
Many preverbal babies and toddlers use sign language for communication. Use the signs for “sorry,” “forgive,” “nice,” and “up” in this finger play.
First, say: Jesus died on the cross to forgive us. And Jesus wants us to forgive others, too!
Lead kids in doing the following motions.
If you take someone’s toy, you say, “I’m sorry.” (closed right fist rubs in circle against chest)
If someone takes your toy, you forgive. (left hand flat, palm up; right-hand fingertips brush across length of left palm twice)
You make it right by treating others nicely, (left hand flat, palm up; move flat palm of right hand across left hand)
’Cause that’s the way God shows us how to live! (point up)
Kristen Kansiewicz
Lynn, Massachusetts
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