3 Easy Ways to Bring Your VBS Kids Back to Church
Happy fall! It’s officially that time of year when kiddos head back to school, and children’s ministry leaders around the country are gearing up for another season of faith-building family events. If you’re looking for a few fresh, new ideas to invite your VBS kids back to church, here are THREE fun and easy ways to bring them back through the fall and winter!
1. Follow up with parents with a personal touch.
For parents, the personal touch will likely go further than mass-mailed invitations. Parents love seeing that someone took the time to know and care for their child during a busy VBS week.
It’s as simple as a thank-you for participating, a check-in, and an invitation to participate in your church’s children’s programming. It’s all about resourcing parents in the easiest way possible.
You can even send out an email with some final comments and links to Lifetree Kids music, to encourage families to worship together at home.
2. For a fall kickoff idea, you can hold a Children’s Rally.
You can serve a free spaghetti dinner with all of the fixings. Invite neighborhood families, families from VBS, day care families, and folks within your church body. Find a team of people who love to cook, and see if they can volunteer their time to prepare and serve the meal. They can make homemade spaghetti, tossed salad with dressing and croutons, garlic bread, and brownies.
Then set up tables at one end of your fellowship hall for the meal and tables at the other end that serve as booths. Ministry leaders run the booths, and booths have information on all the programs you offer to minister to children, any partnerships with area elementary schools, upcoming events, parenting classes, and family fun nights. At each booth, kids get candy, balloons, and informational handouts. Parents can also sign up to receive additional information or to help out in each area of ministry. You can make sure this is the only event scheduled so you have plenty of room.
Also be sure to open up Sunday school classrooms and ask teachers to be present, so your Children’s Rally can be an open house, too.
By providing a meal and child care, parents are willing to invest time in this event. It can be a huge success, and you can plan to do it each year to kick off your ministry season, invite back families from the summer, and to promote how you love God’s kids!
3. The Most Unique Christmas Event!
Get ready to make a splash this Christmas with Scuba Christmas!
This one-of-a-kind children’s Christmas program puts the “sea” in the Christmas season. Incorporating favorite Bible Memory Buddies and music from Group’s Scuba VBS, this will reignite the energy and delight of VBS at Christmastime, too.
Whether you used Scuba VBS or not, at Scuba Christmas, children are the stars!
They’ll hop onstage while audience members play a part, too! It’s the most unusual Christmas pageant ever because we’re celebrating the unusual way God came to the world—as a baby. The Dive Buddy host guides families and church members to experience the story of Christmas as everyone works to decorate an under-the-sea Christmas tree.
Plus, they’ll sing along to favorite VBS tunes and classic Christmas carols as they celebrate Jesus’ birth. As the Director of Scuba Christmas, you’ll help kids of all ages thank God for the gift of Jesus this Christmas. Let’s dive in!
Want to get a sneak peek of this easy-to-lead, all-digital program? No problem! Fill out the form below to download a FREE sample of Scene 1 from this memorable program.

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