3 Easy and Fun Bible Memory Activities
We all know how important Bible memorization is. But it is crucial for kids to really understand and apply what they are memorizing, not just recall words. Here are three quick and easy Bible memory activities to bring Bible verses to life. Feel free to use these ideas as is, or use them to jumpstart your own ideas!
Bible Memory Activity #1: Light Show
“Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
Supplies + Preparation
You’ll need:
- a Bible,
- a chalkboard and chalk or newsprint and marker,
- at least one flashlight with a strong beam, and
- a box.
You’ll also need:
- an inexpensive flashlight or a liquid crystal glow stick for each child.
Before the activity, print the memory verse on a chalkboard or newsprint. Put the flashlights or glow sticks in a box next to the chalkboard.
The Light Show
Gather the children and darken the room as much as possible. Ask:
- What is it like to be in the dark?
- Which of our senses is most affected by darkness?
Hiding Bad Deeds
Say: In the dark, it’s hard to see what we’re doing and it’s hard to see what anyone else is doing. The Bible says that when people do wrong, they like to do it in the dark where no one else can see it. Ask:
- Why do you think people do wrong things in the dark?
Say: People like to hide the wrong things they do because they’re ashamed of them. Think about the wrong things that you’ve done. Pause, and then ask:
- Have you ever wanted to hide them? Explain.
- What have you done to hide your wrong actions?
Shining Light on Good Deeds
Say: Now think about the good things that you do. When we do good things, we want other people to see them and take notice of them. We’re proud of the good things we do, so we do them in the light where everyone can see. Ask:
- How do you feel when others notice your good deeds?
Say: We’re going to learn a Bible verse that talks about doing good deeds. It’s Matthew 5:16. Let’s read it together. Shine your flashlight on the board, and have the class read the verse together.
Say: Let’s celebrate our good deeds. Think of something good that you’ve done, and raise your hand when you’ve thought of it. When I call on you, tell us what you’ve done. I’ll write your good deed on the board while you come and get a flashlight out of the box. Turn your flashlight on and shine your light around the room. Be sure you don’t shine the light in anyone’s eyes.
Have each child mention a good action and choose a flashlight out of the box.
Creating a Light Show
When everyone has a flashlight, say: Now I want everyone to sit or lie down on the floor because we’re going to make a light show. Follow my directions:
Shine your light in the center of the ceiling.
Now point your light at the verse. Let’s say it together. (Say the verse.)
Shine your light in all the corners of the room twice.
Now point your light at the verse. Let’s say it together. (Say the verse.)
Draw a star with your light.
Now point your light at the verse. Let’s say it together. (Say the verse.)
Pretend to paint a wall with your light.
Now point your light at the verse. Let’s say it together. (Say the verse.)
Point your light on the floor and make the light move like ocean waves.
Now point your light at the verse. Let’s say it together. (Say the verse.)
Now shine your lights every which way.
Now point your light at the verse. Let’s say it together. (Say the verse.)
Bible Memory Activity #2: Partner Pass
“Do to others as you would have them do to you.” Luke 6:31
Supplies + Preparation
You’ll need:
The Partner Pass
Say: The Bible tells us, “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” We’re going to learn Luke 6:31 as we do an activity together.
Gather the whole group in a large circle. Tell the kids that they are to throw the sponge ball to someone in the circle in exactly the way they would like to have the ball returned to them. The person who receives the ball will pass the ball back in a like manner. The original holder will return the ball to you. The two children will then be seated. Before the first thrower begins, the group will remind the person of the Scripture verse, “Do to others as you would have them do to you.”
Before the second thrower returns the ball, the group will say, “Luke 6:31.” Kids will have fun using a warning tone of voice. Repeat the process until all the children have tossed or returned the ball.
Partner Pass Discussion
Then have the partners sit together. Ask the following questions and have partners discuss them. Let the first thrower answer first.
- How do you think the two of you did following directions? (Give a few seconds for the first partner to respond; then it’s the second partner’s turn.)
- What are some reasons it might have been hard for the second person to return the ball in exactly the same way it was passed?
- What were you thinking when you threw the ball?
- Were you able to throw the ball in exactly the way you would have liked to? Why or why not?
Have each pair join with another pair to form a foursome. Have foursomes discuss these questions. Ask:
- What happens when you are kind to someone and that person isn’t kind in return? (Pause.)
- Does it change how you want to be treated? Why or why not?
Have the whole group join back together. When kids are settled, ask:
- Are there any advantages to treating people as you want to be treated?
- Can you think of any disadvantages?
- From the Scripture we are memorizing, what do you think Jesus would want us to do?
Affirm all contributions, and then have all the children repeat Luke 6:31 together one more time.
Bible Memory Activity #3: Who’s Great?
“The greatest among you will be your servant. For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” Matthew 23:11-12
Supplies + Preparation
You’ll need:
- a Bible,
- index cards, and
- pencils.
Who’s Great
Give each child 10 index cards and a pencil. Say: Today we’re going to talk about what makes a person popular or important. Think about the important and popular people at school. Write one characteristic of those people on each card. After you’ve written your characteristics, put the cards in order from most important to least important.
Give the children a few minutes to write and prioritize the cards. Then have the children get with a partner and compare their lists. After a few minutes, ask:
- In what ways were your lists similar? different?
- In general, how would you describe a popular or important person in your school?
Say: Let’s read what the Bible has to say about being important. Read Matthew 23:11-12. Then have the children slowly recite it with you. Pause after each sentence or phrase, and emphasize the words greatest, exalts, humbles, and exalted. Ask:
- What do you think these verses mean?
- How would you define the word exalt?
- What do you think it means to humble oneself?
Being Popular with God
Say: Let’s make new lists. Think about what would make a person important and popular with God. Turn your cards over, and write down 10 characteristics of a person like that and then put them in order from most important to least important.
Give the children a few minutes to write down characteristics on the cards and prioritize them. Get their attention several times during the activity, and have the entire group recite the verse each time. After the children have worked for a few minutes, have them get with the same partners as before and compare their lists. After a few minutes, ask:
- How would you describe a person who’s important in God’s eyes?
- How is this person similar to or different from the person who’s important at school?
- Why do you think God’s idea of an important person is so different from the world’s idea of an important person?
- What can you do to be the kind of person God is pleased with?
End this activity by saying the verse together one more time. Then pray and ask God to help you be the kind of people who please him.
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