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Free VBS Prayer Cards

As you’re planning and preparing for VBS, stop and ask God to guide your thoughts, actions, and steps along the way. Prayer is, and will always be, the best way…

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Free Download: 7 Daily Devotions

In need of a spiritual refresher? It feels like you just got done with VBS season, and now fall and winter events loom on the horizon. It can feel like…

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1 min Poll Results

Want to see the latest trends in children’s ministry? There’s no better place to look than among your fellow KidMin workers! Check out our latest polls. (function(t,e,s,n){var o,a,c;t.SMCX=t.SMCX||[],e.getElementById(n)||(o=e.getElementsByTagName(s),a=o[o.length-1],c=e.createElement(s),c.type="text/javascript",c.async=!0,,c.src="",a.parentNode.insertBefore(c,a))})(window,document,"script","smcx-sdk");…

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