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7 Easy-to-Implement Tips to Thrive During the Holiday Season

Avoid burnout and use these seven tips to thrive during the holiday season!

This time of year opens up more opportunities for you to minister to first-time or occasional guests at your church. It’s an exciting time when families come back to church—even if it’s just for one service. We know you realize how important their experience is so you and your staff work triple hard to make things excellent and smooth. And that can be stressful!

In the midst of all that, you can wear yourself out. Don’t let that happen this year! Here are seven tips to help you not only survive, but also thrive, during the holiday season.

1. Make time for God.

Don’t let your daily time in the Word and prayer slip away. Guard it with everything you have so God can pour into you.

2. Make time for friends and family during the holiday season.

It’s easy to be task-oriented—there’s so much to do. You need to connect with people who energize you (especially if you’re an extrovert).

3. Make time for yourself.

(Especially if you’re an introvert!) Carve out time to read a book that feeds your soul or imagination.

4. Make time in your to-do list.

What can you not do this year? Let the annual Christmas card go. Or the cookie exchange. Or decorating the outside of the house. Put up 50 percent of your normal decorations. Buy pies instead of baking. Commit to a simple menu for holiday dinners this year so you can enjoy your family during the season. Give yourself permission to do less!

5. Make every moment count.

Power-shop for gifts online. Ask family members and friends to tell you what they want—even send links for easy shopping. That’ll take the stress out of the gift guessing game. In a pursuit-of-peace opinion, avoid the malls at peak hours. Shop at off times; going late at night can be quite relaxing!

6. Make “good enough” enough.

Everything doesn’t have to be perfect in your programming. Figure out with your team what your “dream” is, then shave off things that really don’t have to be done or bought or created to make that dream possible. Everyone will thank you!

7.  Make room for God during the holidays.

When things don’t go as planned at church or home, allow God to be strong in the weak places. Know that God is wooing people to himself through this wonderful season of the year. Trust that God is at work in each person’s life and be grateful you get to have a part in that.

For more ways to connect with God, check out the Jesus-Centered Daily Devotional and the corresponding Jesus-Centered Bible. You can find even more leadership tips here.

2 thoughts on “7 Easy-to-Implement Tips to Thrive During the Holiday Season

  1. Thank you for the encouragement!

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