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A female volunteer leads a group of preteens in a multi-sensory worship station.
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4 Multi-Sensory Worship Stations for Preteen Ministry

The next time your preteens meet for worship, have kids visit a variety of worship stations that tap into their multi-sensory learning styles. Depending on the number of preteens, you may rotate groups through each station. Allow 10 minutes at each station.

4 Multi-Sensory Worship Stations for Preteen Ministry

1. Worship Window

Kids write their praises on colored Post-It notes, which are then stuck to a large window. As the sun shines through the colorful pieces of praise notes to create a “stained glass window,” preteens can reflect on the beauty of the window and the beauty of God’s gifts.

2. Building One Another Up in Love

Have a pile of construction toys and permanent markers on the floor. Kids write an encouraging word or a compliment to someone on one side of the brick. As they hold their bricks, they pray for the person listed. Then have kids stack the bricks to create a wall of love.

3. Salt of the World

Spread a map of the world on a table. Pour salt in a glass bowl near the map. Open a Bible to Matthew 5:13 for each preteen to read. Have kids reflect on questions on handouts next to the bowl of salt:

  • What does salt do?
  • What matters most about salt according to this verse?
  • Dip your fingers into the salt bowl and think about what it feels like.
  • Taste the salt. How are you like salt?
  • What does it mean to be salt in this world?
  • Pray that God will show you what it means to be the salt of the world.

4. Eye See Now

You’ll need several pairs of prescription glasses (the stronger the better) and two Bibles. Preteens put on the glasses and look around. Have kids think about how the glasses affect what they see.

While wearing the glasses, have kids read from the Bible. Then have them take off the glasses and read the same verses. Have kids pray that everyone will be able to clearly see God’s instructions for their lives and not be distracted by the things of this world.

Sharyn Spradlin and Cyndie Steenis

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