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A preschool boy draws with chalk made from scratch from this money-saving list of ideas.
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Money-Saving Ideas: 5 Ways to Make Craft Supplies From Scratch

Are you looking for more money-saving ideas for your ministry? (Who isn’t?)

We asked readers to send in their homemade concoctions to share with you. You can save money by making these recipes before class!

Money-Saving Ideas: 5 Ways to Make Craft Supplies From Scratch

1. Homemade Glitter


  • 5 to 6 drops of food coloring
  • 1/2 cup salt


Stir the ingredients well. Cook the ingredients in the microwave for one to two minutes. Spread the glitter mixture out on waxed paper and let it dry. Store the glitter in airtight containers until kids are ready to use it. Substitute sugar for salt and use the sugar crystals for decorating cookies or cakes.

Rhonda Imes
Dover, Pennsylvania

2. Fragrance Balls


  • 1/4 cup water
  • food coloring
  • fragrance or flavor extract
  • 2 cups Ultra Ivory Snow
  • netting
  • ribbon


Mix the first three ingredients in a large bowl. Then mix in the soap. The mixture will look crumbly. Shape the mixture into balls and pack firmly. Gently smooth the balls. Allow to dry. Wrap each ball in a square of netting and tie it with a ribbon bow. Fragrance balls make nice gifts.

Rhonda Imes
Dover, Pennsylvania

3. Money-Saving Colored Macaroni


  • 2 tablespoons rubbing alcohol
  • 1 tablespoon food coloring
  • uncooked macaroni


Mix the rubbing alcohol and food coloring. Stir uncooked macaroni into the colored solution. Spread the colored macaroni on waxed paper to dry. Have children string the macaroni on a shoelace for jewelry. Or kids can glue the macaroni on paper to make pictures.

Rhonda Imes
Dover, Pennsylvania

4. Bakers Clay


  • 2 cups white flour
  • 1/2 cup salt
  • 1/2 cup water


Mix the flour and salt. Slowly add 1/2 cup water to the flour mixture while turning the dough in a bowl. Form the dough into a small ball and work in any remaining flour and salt. Add more water, if necessary, to make a smooth, dry ball. Knead for five minutes. Shape the dough into desired shapes or roll it out and use cookie cutters.

Rhonda Imes
Dover, Pennsylvania

5. Money-Saving Sidewalk Chalk


  • 2 tablespoons plaster of Paris
  • 1 tablespoon washable tempera paint


Mix the ingredients. Place the ingredients on a square of waxed paper. Roll the ingredients in the waxed paper, squeezing to form a chalk shape. Or powder candy molds with plaster of Paris and press the mixture into the molds. Let dry 24 hours before using.

Vicki Kinder
Portland, Oregon

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Money-Saving Ideas: 5 Ways to Make Cr...

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