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A preteen playing the hard or soft hard Bible game.
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Preteen Bible Game: Hard Heart or Soft Heart?

This preteen Bible game: Hard Heart or Soft Heart? teaches kids how to work through conflict based on 1 John 3:11-12. Kids will race to soften frozen bubble gum and explore the condition of their hearts.

Best for: Ages 10 to 12

Supplies: Bible and bubble gum

Preparation: About 24 hours before the game, freeze the bubble gum.

Preteen Bible Game: Hard Heart or Soft Heart?

Read aloud 1 John 3:11-12, and then say: Let’s play a game to show what a cold, hateful heart like Cain’s might feel like.

Give each child a frozen piece of bubble gum. Then as kids try to soften it in their mouths, say: When your “cold heart” gets warm enough, race to blow the first bubble.

After all the kids have blown bubbles, ask:

  • What did you have to do to successfully blow a bubble?
  • How was your cold gum like a cold heart?
  • What things might be difficult to do if your heart is cold?
  • What do we have to do to keep our hearts from becoming cold and hateful?

This creative Bible game was excerpted from The Giant Book of Games for Children’s Ministry.

Looking for more ministry games? Check out these ideas!

5 thoughts on “Preteen Bible Game: Hard Heart or Soft Heart?

  1. Lebero Denis

    I am much better now that i follow Children’s ministry, I am a Games teacher, i have found this helping cause i am learning much from your website, i would like to get in contact with you, feel free to write me, i am in Rwanda in East-Africa. Thank You.

  2. Mark Anthony Perez Viloria

    I am assigned to children ministry.
    I want to learn more.
    I want to use your lessons.

    Please help me.


      Hi Mark Anthony! It’s so exciting that you’ve been assigned to Children’s Ministry. You are free to use any of our lessons in your classroom. is also a great resource for managing volunteers, planning events, and other leadership tasks. You could also consider subscribing to Children’s Ministry Magazine. Find out more here:

  3. Great resources! I cant wait to use this lesson with my childrens ministry. Thank you.

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Preteen Bible Game: Hard Heart or Sof...

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