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Incredibly Egg-Citing Elementary Easter Children’s Message

Wow kids with this incredibly egg-citing children’s message! Kids will learn that together and with God, they can do anything.

You’ll need:
  • a Bible
  • 2 cartons of one dozen eggs
  • two 6×15-inch pieces of plywood
  • a razor knife
  • a tarp

Remove the lids of the egg cartons with the razor knife.

Incredibly Egg-Citing Elementary Easter Children’s Message

Lay a tarp on the ground. Then set the two cartons of eggs on the ground parallel to each other with about six inches between them. Remove one egg from a carton and hold it up.


  • What would happen if I tried to place all my weight on this egg?

Say: One egg all by itself can’t hold a lot of weight. The shell is fragile and cracks when it’s given too big of a job.


  • Have you ever had a job that was too big for you to handle?
  • Did you ask for help?
  • Can you think of any jobs that need to be done in the church that are too big for one person to do alone?

Open your Bible to Exodus 18, and say: God gave Moses the job of ruling the people of Israel. But it was too big of a job for Moses to do by himself. Moses wanted to serve God, but he was wearing himself out.

Say: Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, had a suggestion that helped Moses be the leader God wanted Moses to be. Jethro told Moses to get help. Moses decided to get many other people to work with him. They all served God together, as a team. Pick up the egg carton, and return the egg to its place.

Say: Look at these eggs. One egg alone couldn’t support the weight of a person. Let’s see if these twenty-four eggs can work together to hold someone up.

Gently place one piece of plywood over each carton of eggs. Select a younger, light child to place a foot gingerly on each piece of plywood. Have other children stand on either side of the eggs to help the child onto the plywood. The eggs will support the child’s weight.

Debriefing the Lesson


  • Why do you think the eggs were able to hold up a whole person?
  • How is this like what happens when we choose to serve God together?

Say: God wants us to serve him. God wants us to do some amazingly big jobs — jobs that we can’t do on our own. However, when we serve together, we can do things that we never thought possible.

Guide the children in choosing one way to serve God together. They could combine their offering to support a child from Compassion International or World Vision. Or they could work together to clean an elderly church member’s house.

Close with prayer: Dear God, help these children understand that you want all of us to work together to do big things for you. Give us all the strength to do that and the wisdom to know what it is that you want us to do. In Jesus’ name, amen.

The Egg-citing Service is a message from The Humongous Book of Children’s Messages. Choose from 170 quick-prep children’s messages for your next Sunday school class, midweek program, or camp devotional.

7 thoughts on “Incredibly Egg-Citing Elementary Easter Children’s Message

  1. Pastor Mark Carnahan

    I am sorry my friend, but this is not an Easter message at all. It misses the point of Easter completely. Easter is about Jesus rising from the grave & his victory over sin, death, and satan. Easter is pure Gospel – the proclamation of Good News. Telling the children to do something (serve) is Law. Easter is not about serving God or others but about God serving us by being born of Mary so that in His body He could in that body live the perfect life God’s law demands & so He could in that body receive the wrath of God we deserve for our disobedience and best of all, so that God could raise that body from death. The tomb is empty because Jesus is alive. Just because this message has eggs in it does not make it an Easter message.

    Do not be discouraged. Martin Luther said those who can properly distinguish between Law & Gospel should be awarded a Doctor of theology degree. I too am still striving for that.

    Christ is risen. He is risen indeed. Alleluia!

    Mark Carnahan
    St Paul Lutheran Church
    Melrose Park, IL

    • Christine Yount Jones

      Thanks for your insights, Mark. You make a really good point.

      • Yes Indeed I was awaiting the actual Easter message if im honest.
        Im trying to teach my children the true meaning of Easter and the sacrifice that Jesus made for each of u.
        Im trying to find a child friendly way that they can understand it. we are new to the church Having found our faith a year ago we feel its important for the children to know the true meaning of celebrations such as easter christmas etc.

        I feel after reading this im still not sure how I can put it in a way where my children will understand it. sadly this hasnt helped as much as I had hoped it would. Though I have taken away from it ‘Sharing the Load’ which for is has always been hard to do but this bit made perfect sense.

        • Sierra Archuleta

          We do have other Easter lessons on our website that may be more beneficial for you and your children. If you click on “Bible Lessons” on the left-hand side you can filter by holiday to holy week/easter.

  2. Even though this isn’t an “Easter” message, I think it’s a great object lesson and lesson. Thank you for sharing it!

  3. Gloria Litshane

    Exciting activities.please send me the detailed lesson plans.

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